All Barry County elected officials who faced a challenge in the primary overcame their opponents but, in the case of Register of Deeds Barbara Hurless, it wasn't by much.
Challenger Heather Wing, the District 7 county commissioner who had relinquished her post on the county board to run for the register's office, lost by 416 votes, 5,193 to 4,777.
Wing, of Assyria Township, prevailed in her home township -- as well as Baltimore, Irving, Maple Grove, Prairieville townships, and the second precincts of both Thornapple and Yankee Springs townships.
Six incumbents – two supervisors and four trustees – were defeated at the township level.
Assyria Township Supervisor Mike Timmons lost to Tom Wing, 218-163.
Carlton Township Trustee Cary Smith came up short in a three-way contest for two seats. Two votes separated Smith (219) and challenger Scott Bond (221), while incumbent Gary VandeCar eked by them with 265 votes.
Prairieville Township incumbent trustee Richard Van Niman was edged out in the two-seat race by Mark D. Doster and Ted DeVries.
Rutland Charter Township Trustee Marlin Walters was defeated in a six-way race for four seats on that board.
Yankee Springs Township Supervisor Mark Englerth fell to challenger Rob Heethuis, 825-519, and Yankee Springs trustee Shanon VandenBerg received 561 votes – too few in a three-way race for two seats.
Just 2 votes made the difference in Carlton and Irving townships: Scott Bond bested Cary Smith for the trustee seat in Carlton Township. In Irving Township, Rhonda Van Polen fell 2 votes shy of unseating incumbent trustee Dean Bass, who received 296 votes.
Other close races included the four trustee seats in Rutland Charter Township: Six candidates sought four seats; the difference between the fourth and fifth finishers was 13 votes.
In the five-way race for trustee in Orangeville Township, newcomer Chad Kraai (316) and incumbent Linda Ribble (302) won the primary, 19 votes away from the third-place finisher, Jodi Patrick (283).
Incumbent Irving Township supervisor Jamie Knight held off challenger Tim Ross by 34 votes, 359-325
The only millage that was turned down in Barry County was an operating millage for the Allegan Area Education Service Agency, which fell 3 votes short among collective voters in Orangeville, Prairieville and Yankee Springs townships. But the millage won by more than 700 votes in Allegan County.
County board
District 1 – Howard R. Gibson (incumbent) Republican, 1,071
Martha Reyff-Banash, Democrat, 580
District 2 – Catherine Getty, Republican, 1,463
Cody Hayes, Democrat, 448
District 3 – David Jackson (incumbent), Republican, 1,309
District 4 – Jon Smelker (incumbent), Republican, 1,588. Rich Burtts, US Taxpayer, will face Smelker in November.
District 5 – Ben Geiger (incumbent), Republican, 1,085
District 6 – Vivian Lee Conner (incumbent), Republican, 1,551
District 7 – Bruce D. Campbell, Republican, 905
Ben McLeod, Republican, 448
County offices
County Clerk – Pam Palmer (incumbent), Republican, 9,872
Drain Commissioner –
Jim Dull (incumbent), Republican, 6,833
Kyle Staines, Republican, 3,642
Prosecutor – Julie Nakfoor Pratt (incumbent), Republican, 9,867
Register of Deeds –
Jordan Brehm, Democrat, 3,323
Barbara D. Hurless (incumbent), Republican, 5,193
Heather L. Wing, Republican, 4,777
Sheriff – Dar Leaf (incumbent), Republican, 10,061
Surveyor – Brian Reynolds (incumbent), Republican, 9,539
Treasurer –Jennifer Meyer, Democrat, 3,309
Justin Straube, Republican, 3,333
Susan VandeCar (incumbent), Republican, 4,614
Susan Vlietstra, Republican, 2,153
Assyria Township
Supervisor – Mike Timmons (incumbent), Republican, 163
Thomas J. Wing, Republican, 218
Clerk – Tandra S. Angus, Republican, 151
Annette J. Terry (incumbent), Republican, 230
Treasurer – Terry Ryder-Stephens (incumbent), Democrat, 86
Trustee (two seats) – James D. Miller (incumbent), Republican, 345
Baltimore Township
Supervisor – Chad VanSyckle (incumbent), Republican, 280
Clerk – Penelope Ypma (incumbent), Democrat, 75
Treasurer – Melissa VanSyckle (incumbent), Republican, 275
Trustee (two seats) – Michael Altoft (incumbent), no party affiliation, and will face primary winners in November: Aaron VanSyckle, Republican, 206, and Gerard Ypma, Republican, 192
Barry Township
Supervisor – Wesley Kahler (incumbent), Republican, 521. Rodney Dye, no party affiliation, will face Kahler in November.
Clerk – Debra Knight (incumbent), Republican, 556
Treasurer – Michele Dye, Republican, 170
Ingrid Pagano, Republican, 92
Judith E. Wooer (incumbent), Republican, 371
Trustee (two seats) –
Barry Bower, Republican; 372
Lee A. Campbell (incumbent), Republican; 313
Ricky Lawrence, Republican, 212
Fire millage renewal of 2 mills of taxable value, or $2 per $1,000, until 2023. The levy is expected to raise $260,000 in the first year.
Yes: 627
No: 221
A police millage renewal of 2 mills of taxable value, or $2 per $1,000, until 2023. The levy is expected to raise $260,000 in the first year.
Yes: 572
No: 276
Carlton Township
Supervisor – Brad Carpenter (incumbent), Republican, 433
Clerk – Amanda Brown (incumbent), Republican, 431
Treasurer – Terri Geiger (incumbent), Republican, 432
Trustee (two seats) –
Scott Bond, Republican; 221
Cary Smith (incumbent), Republican, 219
Gary VandeCar (incumbent), Republican, 265
Fire protection millage renewal and increase. The levy is currently at 1.4925 mills; the proposal will restore the tax to the original voted levy of 1.5 mills for four years through 2023, to provide fire protection within the township. The levy is expected to generate an estimated $117,000 in its first year, of which a portion will be disbursed to Freeport Fire Association, Woodland Fire Association and BIRCH Fire Department.
Yes: 447
No: 147
Castleton Township
Supervisor – Cheryl L. Hartwell (incumbent), Republican, 327
Clerk – Marcia Scramlin (incumbent), Republican, 318
Treasurer – Joy E. Mulder (incumbent), Republican, 317
Trustee (two seats) –
H. Michael Trahan (incumbent), Republican, 235
Earl M. Wilson (incumbent), Republican, 247
Hastings Charter Township
Supervisor – Jim Brown (incumbent), Republican, 311
James M. Partridge, Republican, 234
Clerk – Anita S. Mennell (incumbent), Republican, 507
Treasurer – Jenee S. Phillips (incumbent), Democrat, 171
Trustee (four seats) –
Timothy B. McNally (incumbent), Republican; 362
Bill Wetzel (incumbent), Republican; 353
Scott Savage, Democrat, 169
Hope Township
Supervisor – Douglas E. Peck, Republican, 321
Joyce Snow, Republican, 250
Clerk – Deborah Jackson (incumbent), Republican, 518
Treasurer – Jolene Payne, Democrat, 161
Arlene Tonkin (incumbent), Republican, 521
Trustee (two seats) –
David Messelink (incumbent), Republican, 336
Matt Peake (incumbent), Republican, 341
Wendee J. Wendt, Republican, 223
Road improvement millage renewal and increase. Levy currently at 0.944 mills, proposal would restore the tax to original voted levy of 1 mill for four years through 2023, for road repair, maintenance and operations expenses. The levy would generate an estimated $137,765 during its first year.
Yes: 573
No: 246
Fire protection and cemetery millage renewal and increase. Levy currently at 0.944 mills, proposal would restore the tax to original voted levy of 1 mill for four years through 2023 – 0.75 mills for fire protection and 0.25 mills for cemetery maintenance. The levy would generate an estimated $137,765 during its first year.
Yes: 598
No: 222
Irving Township
Supervisor – Jamie R. Knight (incumbent), Republican, 359
Tim Ross, Republican, 325
Clerk – Sharon Olson (incumbent), Republican, 622
Treasurer – Alesse Cross, Democrat, 161
Trustee (two seats) –
Dean Bass (incumbent), Republican, 296
Mike Buehler (incumbent), Republican, 487
Republican Rhonda L. VanPolen, Republican, 294
A renewal for fire protection of 1.4566 mills, $1.5 per $1,000, for six years, from 2021 to 2026. If approved, the levy is expected to bring in $199,039 in the first year. The funds are for the Freeport Rural Fire Association, BIRCH (Baltimore, Irving, Rutland, Carlton, and Hastings) Rural Fire Department, and Thornapple Township Emergency Services or other entities pursuant to contracts for fire protection services within Irving Township.
Yes: 562
No: 204
Johnstown Township
Supervisor – Barbara J. Earl (incumbent), Republican, 379
Roy Thunder, Republican, 243
Clerk – Sheri M. Babcock (incumbent), Republican, 564
Treasurer – Karmen Nickerson (incumbent), Republican, 579
Trustee (two seats) –
Deana M. Powell (incumbent), Republican, 454
Jeffrey T. Warren (incumbent), Republican, 435
Fire protection apparatus and equipment millage renewal of 0.7882 mills for four years through 2023, to provide for the acquisition, operation and maintenance of fire protection apparatus and equipment, including fire and rescue vehicles for the township. The levy would generate about $84,845 in its first year.
Yes: 589
No: 175
Maple Grove Township
Supervisor – Jeff Butler (incumbent), Republican, 214
Clerk – Holly Carpenter, Republican, 222
Treasurer – Ginger Cole (incumbent), Republican, 221
Trustee (two seats) –
Larry Hook (incumbent), Republican, 147
Doug Westendorp (incumbent), Republican, 182
Renewal of dust control and road maintenance millage. The township is asking to levy 1 mill of taxable value, or $1 per $1,000, until 2023. If approved, the levy would bring in $45,000 in the first year.
Yes: 201
No: 101
Fire and ambulance equipment millage renewal. The township is asking to levy 1 mill of taxable value or, $1 per $1,000, until 2023. If approved, the levy would bring in $45,000 in the first year.
Yes: 250
No: 52
Orangeville Township
Supervisor – Thomas J. Rook (incumbent), Republican, 613
Clerk – Mel Risner (incumbent), Republican, 619
Treasurer – Michelle Ritchie (incumbent), Republican, 605
Trustee (two seats) –
Jake Bronson, Republican, 166
Phillip Joseph, Republican, 110
Chad Kraai, Republican, 316
Jodi L. Patrick, Republican, 283
Linda Ribble (incumbent), Republican, 302
Fire equipment millage renewal. The township is asking to levy up to 0.75 mills, or $0.75 per $1,000, from 2022 to 2026. If approved, the levy would bring in $120,121 in the first year.
Yes: 673
No: 191
Prairieville Township
Supervisor –
Mark A. Doster, Republican, 228
Jim Stoneburner (incumbent), Republican, 341
Clerk – Rod Goebel (incumbent), Republican, 483
Treasurer – Judy Pence (incumbent), Republican, 471
Trustee (two seats) –
Ted DeVries, Republican, 393
Mark D. Doster, Republican, 298
Richard L. Van Niman (incumbent), Republican, 235
Rutland Township
Supervisor – Larry Watson (incumbent), Republican, 621
Clerk – Robin Hawthorne (incumbent), Republican, 639
Treasurer – Sandra Greenfield (incumbent), Republican, 623
Trustee (four seats) –
Brenda Bellmore (incumbent), Republican, 320
Gene D. Hall, Republican, 365
Sandra L. James (incumbent), Republican, 425
Eric Miller, Republican, 307
Matt Spencer (incumbent), Republican, 390
Marlin Walters (incumbent), Republican, 220
New request for public road maintenance millage. The township is asking to levy 1 mill, $1 per $1,000, of taxable value from 2020 to 2024. The funds would be used for road repairs and are expected to total $158,814.25 in the first year.
Yes: 489
No: 478
Thornapple Township
Supervisor –
Eric Schaefer, Republican, 568
Dan Parker, Republican, 673
Clerk – Cindy Willshire (incumbent), Republican, 1,191
Treasurer – Debra K. Buckowing (incumbent), Republican, 1,178
Trustee (four seats) –
Curtis Campbell (incumbent), Republican, 888
Ross DeMaagd (incumbent), Republican, 877
Sandra L. Rairigh (incumbent), Republican, 842
Emergency services millage renewal of 1.7169 mills for four years through 2023, for providing fire protection and emergency services in the township and funding the purchase of fire and emergency equipment. The levy would generate an estimated $578,000 in its first year.
Yes: 1,151
No: 469
Woodland Township
Supervisor – Jeffrey S. MacKenzie (incumbent), Republican, 320
Clerk – Nancy Stanton (incumbent), Republican, 317
Treasurer – Shawn K. Durkee (incumbent), Republican, 333
Trustee –Mikel Slater, Republican, 309. Gabriel Steward (incumbent), no party affiliation, will be on the Nov. 3 ballot.
Yankee Springs Township
Supervisor –
Mark W. Englerth (incumbent), Republican, 519
Rob Heethuis, Republican, 825
Clerk –
Michael Scott Cunningham, Republican, 784
Ron Heilman, Republican, 482
Treasurer – Debra L. Mousseau, Republican, 1,193
Trustee (two seats) –
Larry Knowles (incumbent), Republican, 722
Shanon VandenBerg (incumbent), Republican, 561
Dave VanHouten, Republican, 825
Delton Kellogg School District millage
Non-homestead operating millage renewal for Delton Kellogg schools, not to exceed 18.0052 mills, $18.0052 per $1,000 of taxable value on all non-homestead properties and businesses from 2021 to 2025. The district is also asking for an increase of 0.5 mills, $0.5 of $1,000, of taxable value. In January, Superintendent Kyle Corlett said the amount the school receives is decreased every year by inflation so, every five years, they must ask voters to raise it back to that 18.0052 mill cap. If approved, the funds raised in the first year are expected to total $3,174,000.
Yes: 1,852
No: 1,09
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