Hastings High School recognized the top academic seniors from the class of 2021 at Monday evening’s board of education meeting.
To achieve this recognition, students must have maintained a 4.0 or higher grade point average for seven semesters. Ten students in the class of 2021 received recognition, alphabetically: Kirby Beck, Ella Carroll, Grace Green, Addison Horrmann, Jesse Hunt, Maggie Nedbalek, Sam Randall, Lauren Sensiba, Abigail Waller and Kayla Willard.
“Their dedication, perseverance and grit has catapulted them to the top of their class,” HHS Principal Teresa Heidi told the Hastings Area Schools board Monday. “Though we are honoring them based on academic achievement, it should not go unmentioned that these students are at the top of their class as young men and women of character, as well.”
Kirby Beck is the son of Amy and Kevin Beck.
He played four years of varsity basketball, four years of varsity track and field, and three years of varsity soccer. Beck has been head captain on the basketball team for two years, receiving Academic All-Conference honors and selection to the I-8 All-Conference team all four years.
In soccer, he was team captain for two years, was named All-Conference for three years and All-District in 2018.
Beck also served as team captain for the track and field team in 2019 and was selected to the All-Conference team the same year; one year earlier, Beck received Most Valuable Player for field events and Rookie of the Year.
Additionally, he has been involved in the National Honor Society, Key Club, Math Team, Science Olympiad, student council —where he was elected senior vice president — and participated in marching band for four years, serving as head drum captain in 2020.
Beck said he is most proud of being a four-year starter on the varsity basketball team and creating life-long relationships with friends and faculty at Hastings High School.
He plans to attend either Purdue University or the University of Michigan in fall to major in biochemistry. He ultimately intends to pursue a career in the dental field.
Ella Carroll is the daughter of Brian and Sarah Carroll.
She has been involved in student council all four years, serving as treasurer and public relations during her junior year and vice president in her senior year.
She has also been involved in Science Olympiad, Youth in Government, Students Against Destructive Decisions Club, Key Club and the Y-Mentors program.
She played tennis and volleyball all four years of high school.
Carroll is most proud of stepping out of her comfort zone and advocating for her environmental conservation bill at the spring conference for Michigan Youth in Government.
She plans to attend a four-year university and major in either biomedical engineering or pre-pharmacy, with a minor in Spanish.
Grace Green is the daughter of Ann and Phillip Green.
She served as drum major in the marching band for three years and head drum major for two years.
She was the secretary for Youth Advisory Council for two years, captain of JV softball and Quiz Bowl teams during her sophomore year and has
participated in every theater production during her time at Hastings High School.
Additionally, Green was involved with Teens Against Tobacco Use and SAAD Club.
She is most proud of the friendships she formed both in class in extracurricular activities and for convincing her friends to try new experiences with her.
Green plans to attend a four-year college or university and pursue a degree in history with a minor in Spanish. She aspires to go to law school and work in criminal law.
Addison Horrmann is the daughter of Robert and March Horrmann.
She participated in Hastings FFA, serving as parliamentarian her junior year and secretary her senior year.
She was on the track and field team, in shot put and disc throwing field events. She also played flute in the band throughout middle school and high school.
Horrmann is most proud of her involvement with FFA and serving on the FFA leadership team.
After graduation, she plans to attend a four-year college and pursue a degree in history. She hopes to become a history teacher or museum curator.
Jesse Hunt is the son of Wendy and David Hunt.
Hunt was first-chair tuba in the symphonic band for three years; played sousaphone in the marching band for four years and was section leader for one year. He also took part in the Hastings High School musicals pit orchestra; and volunteered at the Mary Youngs concert for two years.
Hunt also has been on the student council for two years, serving as secretary and public relations for one year. He was a member of SADD Club for two years and TATU for one year.
Hunt is most proud of the friendships he has made in high school.
He plans to attend college and earn a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.
Maggie Nedbalek is the daughter of Jennifer Nedbalek.
Nedbalek is a University of Southern California Bovard Scholar and a Questbridge College Prep Scholar.
She has been on student council for four years, serving as vice president as a sophomore, executive board secretary as a junior and e-board president as a senior.
She participated in Y-Mentors, Interact Club, Science Olympiad, NHS and both varsity sideline and competitive cheerleading.
Nedbalek was a member of the Business Professionals of America and placed second in regional competitions both as a sophomore and junior. She has also been the Sweezy’s Environmental Board youth representative since her junior year.
She is most proud of making many close friends and receiving a full-ride scholarship for her undergraduate schooling.
After graduation, she plans to study biomedical engineering and Columbia University.
Sam Randall is the son of Greg and Teri Randall.
Randall has accrued 13 varsity letters from his participation on the tennis, track and field and swim teams. He was a captain on both the tennis and swim teams for two years.
He has been a member of NHS, Science Olympiad, Math Team and marching band, where he was section leader for one year.
He is an active volunteer at his local church and enjoys spending time with his youth group and family.
Randall is most proud of balancing five Advanced Placement classes, marching band, three sports, church responsibilities and spending time with family.
He is also proud of being accepted into his preferred college, Cedarville University, where he plans to study molecular biology in hopes of becoming a medical missionary.
Lauren Sensiba is the daughter of Amie and Josh Sensiba.
She is currently student council senior class treasurer and president of the Hastings Youth in Government Delegation, where she has been awarded
Business Student of the Year and Most Valuable Cabinet Delegate.
She was elected secretary of law and justice for Michigan Youth in Government her junior year and chief of staff her senior year, as well as delegation leader for three years.
She also has been involved in TATU, NHS, BPA and Impact clubs.
Sensiba played one year of golf, three years of junior and varsity basketball — where she was elected team captain and awarded MVP.
Outside of school, she is a member on the Barry County Silent Observer Board.
She is most proud of the leadership roles she’s taken in Hastings’ Youth in Government club and the Michigan Youth in Government program. Through the program, Sensiba has built relationships and helped other Hastings students become interested in government.
She plans to attend a four-year university for international relations and eventually attend law school for corporate law.
Abigail Waller is the daughter of Marc and Erin Waller.
Waller has been in the marching band throughout high school, serving as clarinet section leader for three years; playing in the jazz and steel bands for three years; and acting in four musicals and two plays at Hastings.
She has been in NHS for two years, volleyball for two years and Science Olympiad for four years. She also was on student council for four years, serving three years as class president.
Waller is most proud of her involvements and activities, gathering as much experience as possible before leaving high school.
She plans to study environmental sciences at the University of Michigan.
Kayla Willard is the daughter of Melissa and Ryan Willard.
She has been an FFA member for seven years, serving as chapter reporter, treasurer and president during high school; she competed on the parliamentary
procedure and veterinary science teams for three years.
She has been in band for seven years, color guard for four years and danced at Step N’ Time dance studio for six years.
She was a swim instructor through the YMCA and currently works at the Green Street Veterinary Clinic and Three Brothers Pizza.
Willard is most proud of becoming color guard captain her senior year and making close friends in the group.
She plans to attend a college, majoring in political science and minoring in journalism, and to eventually pursue a career in political journalism.